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Digital Marketing Best Practices

Discover actionable tips, innovative techniques, and best practices to help you, the manufacturer, navigate the complexities of doing business online. We also strive to answer common questions about ecommerce, website design, and digital marketing.

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This is a featured image for the article is titled, "The vital role of digital marketing for manufacturers".

Sep 7 2023

The Vital Role of Digital Marketing for Manufacturers

In an age where digitalization is rapidly transforming industries, manufacturers can no longer afford to rely only on traditional marketing methods to reach their target audience. The world of manufacturing has evolved, and so must its marketing strategies. Enter digital marketing, a dynamic and indispensable tool for manufacturers in today’s competitive landscape. In this article,…

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This is the featured image for the article "The Importance of Using 301 Permanent Redirects to Prevent Duplicate Content".

Sep 6 2023

The Importance of Using 301 Permanent Redirects to Prevent Duplicate Content

In the vast and intricate world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), website owners and developers constantly encounter challenges that can impact site rankings, user experience, and overall digital strategy. Among the key challenges is the risk of duplicate content – a scenario in which identical or very similar content appears on multiple URLs. Duplicate content…

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This article is about the Benefits of Social Media for Manufacturers. There is a newer article - see the link in the article.

Mar 7 2018

Benefits of Social Media for Manufacturers

Social media, while originally developed for personal use, has quickly become a viable tool for companies wanting to keep their customers updated regarding new product announcements, company developments, new service offerings, etc. Some social sites, such as LinkedIn, also offer the ability to create “groups”; where like-minded individuals can come together to take part in…

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This is the featured image for the article, "inbound Marketing for Manufacturers".

Mar 1 2014

Inbound Marketing for Manufacturing Companies

Inbound Marketing for Manufacturing Companies A recent study done in New Jersey, took 113 typical manufacturers (if there is such a thing) and compared their marketing strategies to the top 25 manufacturers in the same state. As expected, the study showed that the top 25 companies had better marketing strategies and this was definitely the…

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